Full-stack AI and AI-based simulation for ADAS through L4 autonomous driving

Complete AI software solutions for ADAS through L4 autonomous driving development and validation

We offer robust full-stack AI for volume production deployment and a suite of development and validation tools powered by Deep TeachingTM and generative AI. Our AI solutions help automakers differentiate, reduce development costs, and accelerate time to commercialization.


A highly efficient form of unsupervised learning that uses large scale datasets and integrates elements of applied mathematics with deep learning.

Foundation models powered by innovative technologies

Our DNN-based (Deep Neural Network) foundation models, trained using Deep TeachingTM on large-scale datasets and enhanced by our innovations in generative AI, automatically adapt to new geographies and unseen driving conditions. Additionally, fine-tuning improves the models to effectively address corner cases.
urban and HIGHWAY pilot
Efficient resolution of corner cases
Adaptable to multiple geographies

Unified approach to ADAS through L4

Our unified approach, built on Deep Teaching™ and novel generative AI DNN architectures, enables continuous improvement of autonomous driving software, creating the most reliable and feature-rich high-end ADAS through L4 systems for mass production.

By leveraging large scale auto-labeling and AI-based simulation, our approach scales effectively for training and validation in all autonomous driving applications.

Accelerate L2 through L4 autonomous driving development with Helm.ai

Explore Helm.ai real-time AV software, foundation models, and AI-based development and validation tools.